About This Blog

'The Full Stop.' began January 16th, 2010, after a suggestion from a friend that I keep a blog. I started blogs in the past, two to be exact. Don't try to find them online--they have long been deleted. They were on specific subjects which bored me, and I stopped posting. This blog is different.

This blog is in place for me to ramble, complain and muse, and for you to read it. It is a testing ground for my various ideas. This is why I welcome comments and feedback.

Another reason why I keep this blog is to improve my writing. My Journalism Professor told me that to improve your writing, you should write with the goal of communication (opposed to keeping a journal and writing fluff). Regurally posting to a blog is an excellent method of doing that.

A full stop is what the English call their periods. Since a period comes at the end of a sentence, a complete thought, I find it an appropriate name for a blog where ideas are discussed.