Saturday, March 27, 2010

Scientists Find Disease Which Affects Us All

In the past years, scientists have been gradually discovering a host of mental disorders and addictions. Most recently in the wake of tiger wood’s sex scandal, medical researchers in a lab not so far away have announced that they have officially identified a sex disorder. Other physiological addictions include drug addictions, drinking and gambling. Back in the 1970’s, homosexuality was thought to fall into this group but was later discarded with scientific consensus.
Now scientists have discovered a unifying disorder which they have dubbed Humanus Vis “this is an exciting time in the realm of medicine and science” says Dr. Todd Gurry, one of the researchers to discover the disorder. “It means that theoretically the person who has a sex addiction will eventually be treated in the exact same way as a person with a binge eating problem” Scientists are still discussing which disorders are fall under the unifying disorder, but it looks like the final list will be huge. “Even compulsive cheaters and liars can fall under this disorder,” says Dr Gurry.
Patents have found comfort when their doctors told them that the problems that have plagued them for years, and even have ruined their lives, are not their fault—it’s the result of the problems of their mind.
The medical researchers have already begun to solve the next problem—to find a cure for this disorder. “It won’t be easy, as most everybody is affected to some extent,” says Dr John Walden, another researcher with the project, “but when we do find a cure, the potential for the human race is enormous!”
Researchers must solve an apparently impossible puzzle: find a way to change the human mind so that complete healing can occur.


  1. [It's also intriguing that these secular, evolutionist-believing scientist are responding to what should be nothing more than be a sophisticated creature's "conquests"- for "scientifically" what are humans but evolved, sophisticated animals? Even if a moral component is present, isn't it evolved or constructed through civilization's pursuation, and... See More thus , however that cannot quite be proven empirically, given these scientists responses: "sex addicts"...Unless there is something that is intrinsically disconcerting about flagrant sexual (mis) behavior. Now the question is, how is the "animal" that we have created through postmodern science tamed? Therapy? Addiction hotlines? "The potential for the human race is enormous"...But I'm just rambling. And oh why yes I stalk your blog. This post piqued my curiousity...]

  2. When talking to various readers about this post, I realized that I have made a bit of a mistake which I want to clear up. Some readers assume that I am reporting on actual events.
    The fact is I was experimenting with sarcasm and irony. The post does start off with fact--many new disorders and addictions are being ‘discovered’--and that is where I accidently mislead many of you. I was trying to imagine a situation, set in the present, where scientists discovered the root cause of many of these physiological problems—sin—and they didn’t know what to call it.
    I didn't drop enough hints to show you that I was critiquing instead of reporting. I apologize about that.

  3. haha no worries. I think I understood where you were coming from, and meant to respond likewise. (for others, my comment is the anonymous one, I had trouble posting it originally).

  4. Sarcasm is the lowest form of humor. and writing. stick with normal.
