Sunday, January 31, 2010

The God of Avatar

Ok, I finally broke down and saw Avatar. I can count on one hand how many times I have stepped inside a movie theater, so this was a pretty important occasion.
If you aren’t up on the hype of Avatar, it is a futuristic Pocahontas tale which is on the world of Pandora, a planet in space. Very recently, it has made more money than the movie Titanic. One reason for this is the people keep on coming back to see it. For one guy in my group, it was his third time. Because of this, it will most likely have a huge impact on our society.
Many conservative Christians dislike this film for its blatant, pro-earth, pro-pantheism, anti-industry message. Seeing the movie, I agree that the film does have that worldview. But it was also interesting to see the earth movement through the eyes of Avatar.
The movie described a “mother earth” god—one that was a being yet was also everything. I have forgotten the name the movie gave her, sorry; let’s just say it was strange enough for me to forget it. She “doesn’t take sides, she only wants balance.” Meaning there was no personal relationship, just a seesaw which you must play with.
Another interesting moment in the movie happened when one of the scientists discovers "this force" in every tree. She, as we later learn, has found the god.
The climax of the story (and this is probably a spoiler) has to do with the antagonists trying to distroy the connection the aliens had with this god. It was interesting to contrast this with our God.
Our God is bigger than we can grasp and understand, therefore we cannot control Him. A mere explosive charge cannot separate us from the relationship He has with us, his creation. Our God is deeper and stronger and more loving than this god of Avatar. The story of the movie showed a god and tried to explain what God might be, yet it fell so short of the truth.
Some of you may be wondering if I recommend the movie or not. Sure, go if you want a good action movie with some good effects, but remember that the worldview that Avatar offers is popcorn to the satisfying bread of God.

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